Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Exhortation and Affirmation

Two things which neither my mother nor I can get enough of. These are truly how we work--- in explanation of my mother’s previous blog. But I think the reason she begs for affirmation (albeit in a pitiful manner) is because she constantly gives it out to those she comes across. We are definitely talkers, and while a lot of our words are idle, the rest is spent on people around us. One of my favorite pearls of wisdom given to me by my mother is that everyone’s favorite topic of conversation is themselves, so talk about them and you will be known as a brilliant conversationalist!I don’t think she ever even taught me to encourage others, but I began to emulate her exhortation of others at an early age. Her optimism is cast upon others when she encourages, and it’s a constant circle because then their feedback feeds her optimism. But enough about us- I was simply just trying to explain her need for affirmation of the blog. It is tough writing for an audience that may or may not be there. This is why I could not keep a journal for more than a few days- we simply have a need to be heard. Mom dreams of being the next Perez Hilton, for she thinks anyone who is anyone should read and keep up with her hilarious stories--- that and the flamboyant behavior they have in common. So don’t think of it as an outcry for attention- just a simple request to read and give feedback- we just need a little encouragement for our painfully witty banter.

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