Thursday, May 27, 2010

Multiple Favorites by Violet

I would just like to point out that my mother always tells whatever child that is in front of her at any given time, said child is her favorite. This could not possible be the case because favorite in definition, singles one person or thing out as being a step above the rest. You CANNOT have all members of a certain group be your favorite. Multiple favorites is an oxymoron.

Sidenote: My mom calls every literary play of words a double entendre, whether it is an oxymoron, alliteration, allegory--you get the idea. She thinks she is hilarious.

Although I make this observation of multiple favorites, I would not want her to make a final choice …because we all know it would be Harrison anyway. We all have our good qualities, Ace is funny, Anabeth is nice, and I am a type-A go-getter. But Harrison is the perfect, well-rounded child. (I still love you just as much Anabeth) Not only is Harrison productive and efficient, but he is also the peacemaker, making sure that no one at home is ever fighting or ever raises their voice too loud. He does all these things with a huge smile on his face, he is a HAPPY HAPPY boy. Mom always says that she practiced on the first three and then made the perfect child. I’m sure there’s something to those birth-order books she always reads about the baby learning from the others mistakes and accomplishments- but he really does carefully watch situations and is always learning and attentive to different life lessons.

I know it sounds like I worship my little baby brother, but I can’t help it, I admire his ability to be just as driven as I am, but still be completely laid back and adored by those around him. Anabeth would totally agree, we have had many a discussion of how cool he is. Maybe my next couple blogs can be a worshipping bio just like this one on the other two. I just never can say enough about my siblings- they are so important to me and although I am 5 years older than the oldest one, they are still very much apart of my life. I’ll depart from the sappy though and try to come up with some funny stories next time.


  1. "Having multiple favorites is an oxymoron."

    I disagree! That's like saying that you have only one favorite food. What mother is saying is that she has a favorite "salty" child, a favoarite "sweet" child, a favorite "meat" child, and a favorite "candy" child. As I say about so many things these days...."you'll understand when you have children."

  2. Are you saying that I am Salty? that Anabeth is sweet? Harrison is candy and Ace is a Meaat (head)? haha oh Aunt.
