Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Texas Western Swing Festival by Violet

One of the great things about San Marcos is that there's always a party to go to. Living on the square makes my habitation right in the middle of all of the action. I get to hear music playing all hours of the day- but I have learned to sleep through it and appreciate it during the waking hours.

Well last weekend was one of my first weekends to stay in San Marcos and not go back home to Waco. And I was determined to make it a memorable first weekend. When my aunt sent me an email about the festival to be held in town square- I knew that I would make it the focus of the weekend. After going to sleep early on friday, I woke up early on Saturday to investigate the fair grounds. Later that afternoon I went to see the blue hairs in square dancing costumes, blacksmiths, covered wagons and a beautiful farmers market. That night I strolled down to the fish fry and enjoyed all-you-can-eat catfish while listenin' to old western swing.

Who knew discovering things by yourself could be this much fun? I loved taking everything in. There were people from all over Texas that came to hear their favorite western swing song, dance, and eat wonderful Texan foods. Old and young alike, these people were enjoying a leisurely Saturday starting in the square and ending down by the river.

Things like this are why I want to spend more weekends in my new town of San Marcos, Texas. The culture and people of this town are so rich- but more importantly - it's new to me, and that's just about as exciting as the most historical town in Texas.

I can't wait till the next hoe-down.

Se Habla Espanol? by Violet

I am proud to say that I am now a San Marcos citizen- and I'm lovin' it. Though I have not yet mastered the #1 language here- I hope to become fluent on being an independent lady lawyer in this small Texas town.

It was kinda hard to leave the nest.. and the free food- but this is my first "college" experience away from home and I'm finding out how to be alone for the first time in my life.

After graduation and that horrible Bar Examination- I moved down to San Marcos to start practicing criminal law with my uncle Tom at the Law office of Tom E. Garner. Or as my mother likes to call it "TGLO" for short. I've been quickly learning the ropes, meeting the right people and greasin' the wheel for when I start on court appointed cases.

Besides enjoying actually working and using my degrees, I also love this city. It's so full of culture, Texan hospitality, and outlet malls. Per Ace's request, I'm trying to find the best street tacos and the best Mexican fare in the city for his next visit. The bar-b-que is also out of this world. But enough about food...

I really had no idea how much I would enjoy alone time. I have yet to make serious friends down here because I'm having too much fun learning more about myself. Going to sleep early, watching movies alone, taking time to read- I missed all of these activities in law school and undergrad. I've been able to start the process of de-cluttering my life- digging through packed boxes and tote bags and throwing away alot of things that need to be thrown away.

As I've discussed with mom- I think this is the first time in my life where I've been able to give any life decisions some actual thought. I've always been on the go, and finally I can learn more about myself and have the time to be introspective. Not only has it given me more time with God, but it's also given me more time to ponder things. I've gotten completely different meanings out of parts of scripture that I never saw anything in before- I've been able to think through parables and lessons and I actually have time with no excuses.

I know as I become more rooted in the city, things will pick up once again. But I hope that as I continue to live alone- I continue to discover myself as an independent lady lawyer and thrive in this wonderful slow pace that matches the city.

Friday, May 13, 2011

SENIOR YEAR.....again

This is Anabeth's senior year of high school She is sooooo excited...as am I! This is my third senior year -- if you don't count my own. Each of my children have celebrated the entire year of their last year of public school education as the true rock star that they are. Violet was our first; smart, talented, and eager to get her higher education started. Then came Ace. Our second child, first son, ready to get the party started in higher education. Each totally enjoyed their senior year of high school and wrung from each moment every memory and opportunity that they possibility could.

But I have to say that my favorite senior year to date (I still have a 16 year old son at home)has to be Anabeth's Senior Year. I think this year benefits from NOT being my first and frankly, by just belonging to Anabeth. She is my third child, a classic middle child. She is content is so many areas of her life. Which makes her a delight to be around! And every event, party or reception honoring Anabeth is met with joy and is embraced as the celebratory occasion that it is meant to be. Gotta love that! No drama, no tears (happy or sad). Only confidence that she truly is as great as everyone says she is and don't try to tell her differently! Because you would lose that fight.

Amidst all of the parties and receptions that this Senior Year has brought is an incomplete softball season. Our Lady Pirates are currently in the middle of a three game series for Regional semifinals. With equal aplomb Anabeth can pitch a no hitter in softball and be presented in a beautiful ball gown in an historical pageant. With out missing a beat she can go to a party with her friends or conduct a meeting as chairman of Waco Youth Council. I could not be more proud of her!

I will miss her living in my house next fall as she journeys 20 miles east to Baylor University to begin her career in higher education. But I know that she will make it a better place just as she has made our home a better place the past 18 years. I love her. As does everyone that knows her.

Go with God sweet Anabeth!

Monday, January 17, 2011


For the last 7 years I have been moving along my paved out road, simply creating a new to-do list for every week and checking things off. Finally- I am getting to the end of that to-do list, and it feels so odd. I have exactly 7 days of school left EVER (which after 19 years of school seems a little odd), two Final exams left (7 hours of exams), and THE BAR (which is just as ominous as it sounds).

In less than two short months, I will be done with all of my educational goals I ever had. And man, am I ready to work.

Last week I just finished my last "practice Court" trial- our largest one to date- called "BIG TRIAL". This trial we had been working on since we filed our petition the Monday after Thanksgiving after spending our (me and my practice court partner) Thanksgiving holiday preparing for it. So for November, December and the first two weeks of January we have been sending faux discovery requests and information, replying to faux opposition requests, taking faux depositions of faux people and representing faux clients. It's actually exhasting, to get so wrapped up in a fake case and to not even have anyone to give you positive affirmation- except for my mom of course.

So we finished our trial, Winters v. Town Hall Estates- Whitney, Inc. (we were the inc.- a nursing home), and we only had to pay out $1800 in lost wages and medical bills to a plaintiff who originally received millions in punitive damages in the real life case that ours was based on.

Well now I shift my focus to Bar review- hours a day spent listening to a video professor on a different subject every day. And also to the PC III final exam, which I will take in two weeks.

Although my list still has some things to tick off, I am SO excited about working. I can never be still for long, so immediately after I take the Bar- I want to start. I will be working as a criminal defense attorney in the great city of SAN MARCOS, also trying out other cases to see what I have a heart for. Although I have a love for business law, I want to be useful and right now I know that I can get out there and provide representation for whoever needs it.

Who knows what's in store for me in the future and that's the first time I've ever felt this way. I always thought that I wasn't a spontaneous person, but rather a person who needed a plan for her life. But lately I realized that maybe I just had it all planned out to achieve this goal- of my MBA/JD. And that now, who knows what I can do with it!! I have the tools now I just have to go do work.

Over the past month or two, this often repeated verse has meant something new and very dear to me- Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

My mom gave me a plaque that said this verse over the Christmas break and I almost burst into tears because I'm so excited and thrilled to follow the path that God has laid out for me- and saw this gift as such an encouragement to continue to have hope and faith that the Lord will guide me.

Now, come March, when I have no more to-do lists past the point of packing up my career wardrobe- I might be singing another tune. But as of now, I say, "Bring It".