Wednesday, June 9, 2010

WHERE IS THE LINE ????????????

I have held my tongue long enough. Okay, so maybe I NEVER hold my tongue. But I have to say this..... WHERE IS THE LINE THESE DAYS? The line of which I speak is the Moral line, the Decency Line, the "Can They Really Show That?" line. The line that is drawn to show civilization how far we have (or have not) come. And who should be keeping track of this line?

I have long since given up on watching MTV or VH1 music videos. Our kids are banned from watching those channels until they are in high school at which time they may watch but only if I get to sit in the same room and discuss how morally degrading these visual interpretations of blasphemous, sexist and racist lyrics really are. As you might is usually not worth it to them. Freedom of speech is one thing, abuse of that freedom is another. I exercise my right to turn that mess off and tell anyone and everyone who will listen how degrading it is to women, minorities and humanity in total.

My children know exactly how I feel about about certain music and videos, movies and video games. But I recognize that I can only protect them for so long and must impart my values and views on them while they are still under my roof. My soapbox lectures are used to prepare them for the time when they are no longer in my nest. Let's face it, they will grow up and will need the skills to discern for themselves right from wrong and I would be remiss in not exposing them to appropriate amounts of the "world" at appropriate stages in their development. So the actual viewing of these videos and movies along side my kids allow for teaching moments and exposure to information that will hopefully help them process it as they need it. My poor kids!

But, back to the "line". Since my first child hit her teenage years over ten years ago, I have been vigilantly watching as music videos have become increasingly vulgar and, frankly, offensive. Children are bombarded with images of simulated sex and naked body parts. What is wrong with these people? Is it me or is the population of this country simply desensitized to this depraved behavior? Have we silently slipped into the depths of hell to construct and draw the "line"? Is this what it felt like to live in Sodom and Gomorrah?

All I know is that my children have been given to me to raise and protect. Despite their groans and reddened faces as I interpret, describe and define the way I see things, I will continue to guide and instruct them in the way I see fit. The media today sure isn't making my job any easier.

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