Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday evening with the kids

Okay, it is Sunday evening and at one time or another today all of my kids have been at home. You have to understand...this brings me great joy! One has just left to return to his dorm room as another one came in to warm up some leftover chicken parmigiana in the microwave. This is heaven.

If you would have told me a dozen years ago that I would find this much joy in being a mother of four, I would have called you crazy. And I KNEW crazy, cause I was! A 3,5, and 7 year old and a 12 year old kept me busier and busier with each passing year. I was in the trenches and having a hard time "enjoying" my family --which has always been my goal. Between preschool, elementary and junior high I belonged to three different Parent Teacher Associations and sat on numerous boards and committees. After school gymnastics, karate, t-ball, and little league kept us all hopping from activity to activity. We always got home for dinner and to share the "best part" of our day and the "worst part" of our day around the table. Someone was always interuppting someone else and the dining room sounded like a circus. So much to say and share. It still seems like a blur when I think back on that time.

My raising of children is far from over, but I have put in enough time to be able to look back at a small portion and see that at least a small bit of my efforts have rewarded me greatly. This is what keeps me going. The carrot for this old mule is the rewards of a happy family that love one another. Kids that come home willingly to share parts of their week with stories told to parents and siblings around a dinner table. These stories, no doubt, will have us laughing and spewing tea from our mouths. My kids are funny (funny ha-ha, not funny weird) and I love them for that.

My children have blessed my day as they bless my life always. I am so glad they are mine.

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